Healing Together: Grief Support Cafe
Date/Time: May. 18, 2020, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Location: Online!
Register here: https://bit.ly/grief-support-may18
We invite community members to join our Grief Support Cafe hosted by the Vital Village Network Mental Health Committee.
Grief can be defined and show up our lives in unique ways for us all. With event cancellations, school on pause, and job uncertainty, this is a time of loss for many. Join us in a supportive, non-judgmental space for neighbors to listen, recognize, feel, and express grief caused by losses of any and all kinds.
This event is a part of our 3rd Annual Mental Health Awareness Campaign, Healing Together: Maintaining Strong Communities During COVID-19. The Vital Village Mental Health Committee and partners are hosting virtual community events designed for building social connections and creative expression for navigating emotions, healing together, and supporting mental health.