Village Strategists of Boston is a collective of critical and creative thinkers who will work together to build relationships, increase leadership capacity, practice self-care, promote resilience to amplify and sustain advocacy efforts across the Vital Village Network.
The members of Village Strategists of Boston seek to align, amplify & sustain advocacy efforts within the Network in order to create systems & policies that support child & family wellbeing. In order to reach their goals, Village Strategists offer workshops & presentations to advocates across the region, act as mentors to one another by strategizing solutions to local advocacy efforts, and create space for self-care practices. Trained in the Community Organizing & Family Issues model, Village Strategists are Network members with skills for community organizing that start with personal and family goal setting and then expand to community-level change.
If you or your organization are engaged in advocacy efforts on a system or community level, please be in touch, as we have a network of experts who could help move your work forward. If you’re interested in learning more or requesting a Village Strategist workshop?, contact: vitalvillage@bmc.org