Vital Village Innovation Grants

The Vital Village Innovation Grants support communities to develop collaborative projects aimed at promoting well-being in early childhood by building community capacity, increasing collective actions, and preventing childhood adversities in Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan neighborhoods.
Grantees collaborate with organizations from different sectors, engage community residents, and share findings and lessons learned with the broader Vital Village Network and with their communities. Over the course of the year, Innovation Grantees participate in quarterly Action Labs, present at monthly Network Connection Meetings and/or facilitate workshops at our Annual Leadership Summit.
2017-2018 Grantees
- Abundance: Food access web application emerging from the Food Access in Boston project for the Data Dashboard and Abundance Boston App
- Codman Square Health Center: Group Well Child Visits & partner expansion with South End Community Health Center
- First Teacher: Family Play Week
- jfammediate: Family mediation with John King Jr.
- Mamatoto: Postpartum support
- Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition: Growing health and community cohesion in Mattapan
- Palaver Strings: Lullaby project
- Project HOPE: Provider, family & community engagement
- Upham's Corner Health Center: Social emotional health programs
2014-2016 Grantees
- Codman Square Health Center: Trauma-Informed Group Well Child Visits & Family Advisory Committee on Group Visits
- Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative and MLPB: Peer Advocate Action Roundtable for the Dudley Promise Neighborhood
- DSNI: Youth Pop-Up Museum [In collaboration with the Boston Children's Museum and Brazelton Touchpoints Foundation]
- Child Witness to Violence Project (CWTVP): INfusing Trauma-Informed Practices into Schools
- Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition: Parks and Greenspaces for Mattapan
- YOFES and Haitian Health Institute: Konbit Sante/Young Men Talk (YMT)
- Project HOPE: Child Quality Care Initiative and Childcare Enterprise
- Upham's Corner Health Center: Expandsion of Group Services into Motherhood and Fatherhood