CRADLE Lab works to build evidence to improve health and educational equity. C-K-READY is the first major, national cluster-RCT to evaluate impact of CenteringParenting on child outcomes at 24 months of age.
The Vital Village Innovation Grants support communities to develop collaborative projects aimed at promoting well-being in early childhood by building community capacity, increasing collective actions, and preventing childhood adversities.
Building trauma-informed opportunity structures to enhance social support, economic security, and community resources and support the development of family strengths and protective factors during the prenatal period.
Optimizing the prosperity of Vital Village neighborhoods through peer-to-peer advocacy using our service learning model to prevent and address social and material hardships.
Collaboratives to support schools and families in optimizing the social and emotional development of young children and engagement of families with elementary schools prior to having a school-age child.
Committed to improving access to breastfeeding support for every caregiver in Boston and promoting social connections and optimal child enrichment in early life.
Supporting the holistic wellbeing of men and their meaningful engagement in the lives of children through a coalition of agency and stakeholder partnerships guided by local knowledge and lived experience.
Changing the paradigm. Using a trauma-informed lens to align systems of care and education in early childhood to promote optimal growth and healthy weight.
Providing information and resources to individuals, families, and organizations interested in learning more about the state of housing in Boston communities.