June Breastfeeding Coalition Meeting
Date/Time: Jun. 7, 2018, 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Location: 85 East Concord Street, 8th Fl Conference Room
RSVP by email: rachel.sullivan@bmc.org
RSVP by phone: 6174143730
Boston Breastfeeding Coalition is excited to host a conversation that focuses on providing appropriate support for teen and young parents at Boston Medical Center on Thursday, June 7th from 12-2! Join us over lunch as we hear from young parents about their experiences and from organizations that work with them share best practices so we can all work to better serve this population. Please help us with this goal by sharing widely with your networks in the young parent community, or even just bringing along anyone interested in this topic! Find more information at: bostonbreastfeeding.weebly.com