Social Justice Mediation Institute 2021

Date/Time: Dec. 3, 2021, 12:00 - 12:00 pm

Register here:

The Social Justice Mediation Institute is a six-day training where participants learn mediation skills to reduce conflict and address power and privilege.
Graduates are certified social justice mediators and complete a 6-month service-learning pathway.
The Institute begins December 3rd
The virtual Social Justice Mediation Institute (SJMI) is a two-week training designed and facilitated by Leah Wing and Deepika Marya. This mediation training takes into account power dynamics, the role of identity within conflict, and the importance of taking a social justice lens when approaching conflict. Participants of SJMI will become a part of the Vital Village Network Mediation Program.

The Vital Village Social Justice Mediation program is a mediation service seeking to resolve conflicts in our community while addressing underlying issues of race, class, and gender. The mediators seek to hear stories below the line, which may not be heard in mainstream society. Our mediators aim to make each person feel heard and ensure their perspectives are valued. This model is also more explicitly attentive to power differentials than “traditional” or court-style mediation might be. We offer our services free of charge. We meet on bi-monthly basis to practice role plays and refine skills, mediate within our communities, and develop partnerships.

Graduates receive a certificate and utilize their new skills after the training by completing the 6-month service-learning pathway (average 8hrs/month) with the Social Justice Mediation Program.

Training Dates/Times:
Weekend 1: Friday, December 3rd-Sunday, December 5th
Weekend 2: Friday, December 10th-Sunday, December 12th
Times All 6 Days: 9:00-12:30pm (3.5hr) // 12:30-2:30pm Lunch Break (2.0hr) // 2:30-5:00pm (2.5hr)
*Attendance is required for all 6 days