For All Children?

By Vital Village

The Raising of America is a documentary series, multimedia project, and public engagement campaign that encourages us all to ask a simple question:  why when we know so much about what children need to thrive, do we do so little to ensure that all children have an equal opportunity for a strong start in life?

The truth is that although the question is simple, the problem is complex.  Making headway will require thoughtful consideration of our national priorities, goals, and strategies for ensuring the optimal health and development of all children.

Learn more about their work at:

Consider several simple steps to engaging in this conversation:

  • Host a screening of documentary segments and discussion with neighbor circles, educators, providers, advocates, organizers, students, and public officials in your community.
  • Connect with cross-disciplinary organizations around the country that are supporting early childhood, through their ConnectUp! Database .

Let’s all play a role in moving the conversation forward.

Posted In: Prenatal Opportunity