Current Cumulative VVN Volunteering and Engagement (2022-2023)
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This map shows the licensed Early Education and Care (EEC) providers in 2020 and their program types and capacity in MA. You can explore preschool capacity by Licensed Large Group EEC Providers and 0-5 capacity by all types of EEC providers overlaid by Child Opportunity Index in the Boston Metropolitan Area.
The Child Opportunity Index (COI) is a measure of relative opportunity across all neighborhoods in a metropolitan area. The diversitydatakids.org project defines child neighborhood opportunity as the context of neighborhood-based opportunities that influence children’s health and development.
These findings are based on a brief, anonymous, survey of health conditions, health seeking behavior, health care needs, major life events and stressful life experiences, social relationships, and attitudes about fatherhood among a group of young adult male students. Data was collected in 2013.
In Boston, students in 7th grade and above do not have access to a school bus. Of these students, those who live far from their school receive a free city-wide bus pass (the m7). With these photos, high school students recorded their experience getting to and from school, whether or not they had access to an m7.
Early childhood education can produce significant gains in learning, development, and life chances. Early childhood education programs (designed for children ages 3-5) are provided in childcare, daycare, preschool, and pre-kindergarten settings.
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